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Accordions are used to toggle the visibility of content. They are used in the sidebar, and in the chat.

import Accordion from "@radui/ui/Accordion";

let items = [
    title: "React",
    content: "React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces."
    title: "Angular",
    content: "Angular is a platform and framework for building single-page client applications using HTML and TypeScript."
    title: "Vue",
    content: "Vue.js is a progressive framework for building user interfaces."

const AccordionExample = () => ( 
  <div className="w-64 md:w-96">
    <Accordion items={items} />

export default AccordionExample;

Import all parts of the component and piece them together

import Accordion from "@radui/ui/Accordion";

export default ()=>{
    return (

When focus is on an Accordion.Trigger of a collapsed section, expands the section.


When focus is on an Accordion.Trigger of an expanded section, collapses the section.


When focus is on an Accordion.Trigger of a collapsed section, focuses the next Accordion.Trigger.

Shift + Tab

When focus is on an Accordion.Trigger of an expanded section, focuses the previous Accordion.Trigger.


When focus is on an Accordion.Trigger of a collapsed section, focuses the next Accordion.Trigger.


When focus is on an Accordion.Trigger of an expanded section, focuses the previous Accordion.Trigger.


When focus is on an Accordion.Trigger, focuses the first Accordion.Trigger. [TODO]


When focus is on an Accordion.Trigger, focuses the last Accordion.Trigger. [TODO]